A Eulogy for Swami Maheshananda.
By Chetan Rajpurohit
The sun’s rays shine through the leaves of the trees that encompass the final resting place of his predecessor and his predecessor’s predecessor. The rays draw an imagery of leaves as shadows onto the bright marble floor, beneath which lay the remains of the two masters.
A flight of red painted stairs neighboured a cowshed leading to the small hill that nestled his residence. Inside his abode, the setting was simple, a cot which seated the Master, a few chairs for visitors, a prayer room for his morning and evening fire sacrifice, a ritual he performed diligently over the last five decades and an adjoining room divided into kitchen and storage.
Behind the residence and oblivious to its peace and serenity, the expressway was busy doing its business of transporting goods and people across two cities. Visitors, domestic and international would pour in from across the length and breadth of the globe to hear his wisdom. Academics sought his guidance as he presided over one of the best institutes for Yoga in the world.
His astute ability to understand complex relationships and dilemmas with compassion were unparalleled.
He never hankered for fame and absolved himself from the day to day administration of the institute to preserve the religious and cultural significance of Yoga. His actions and his life were dedicated to keep the tradition learned from his Master alive and that was most sacrosanct for him.
Always a giver, and the realized who could release you. His joy and childlike exuberance at the success of his disciples and his pensive and insightful solutions cut through a maze of confusion and cacophony.
When I met him in November 2020, I did convey that we shall meet again next year. I did not imagine it would be my last meeting with him. Through a chain of events that is inexplicable to the rational mind, I learned that he had taken very ill. A prompt call to the person closest to him, revealed that there was scant hope. He knew.
He did not want to leave the campus and dissuaded the administrator to avail any health facilities outside the yoga school campus. This was his home and he wanted to be here till his last day. His health dwindled day by day and yet he did not grimace but continued his prayers and his resolute acceptance of life’s final chapter was evident.
The news of his demise came through fellow disciples. There was sadness, as many poured their hearts out in tributes to his simplicity, empathy and the profound impact he made to their lives. In the falsified splendour of transactional existence called life where value is only ascertained in utility, he accepted everyone with equanimity.
Lessons learnt in his company often manifest as a beacon dispelling the darkness from life’s most
difficult chapters.