In Conversation: Suffering can lead to understanding
Swami Maheshananda adopted technology with ease and flair. The following is an excerpt of a WhatsApp conversation Swamiji had with a student.
Swamiji: Together without fear helping and playing. Is it possible for humans from different countries?
L: It should be. First we have to understand that there are no differences.
S: How to have this Understanding?
L: The understanding will come through compassion
S: True, how will compassion be? To become Compassionate requires understanding. So what has to be first understanding OR compassion?
L: The understanding of suffering.
S: Good, one has to suffer so that other one can have, OR may have understanding. Then what about one who suffers with, OR without understanding?
L: Suffering is universal. The understanding can avoid suffering. Then, who suffers could develop the understanding to avoid it.
S: Understanding can be cause of suffering, and also it can avoid suffering. Can one know about Understanding through Suffering?
L: The understanding which we are speaking about cannot be cause of suffering but its ending.
S: Right, that Understanding is like butter in the milk, and honey in the flowers. First to deal with the cause /causal understanding and to clean it, transform it, process it. Then to apply it in day-to-day activities and to compare the results of old and new understanding; though both belong to the same ego. Then to be ready to give up the old without regret. Then the intensity of suffering becomes less and less and less.
S: As muscle is covering the bone and gives the shape to the body to be attractive and get the best treatment for the appearance it’s illusory. Bone protects the bone marrow – the most valuable and important. Like a dog that bites the bone and tastes their own blood yet not ready to give up till it hurts. Unfortunately, the first understanding is like muscles, not steady and stable. Bone marrow is responsible for good health. Not easy to develop like muscles.
L: Beautiful and wise words. Thank you.
Archived by:
Laura Tolbanos
Approximate date item occurred: 2017-01-01